WHERE TO find out more

If you want to find out more about Sir John Wolfe Barry and associated projects then please look below at the onward links.

For more on the history of Tower Bridge go to the City of London Corporation's special website about the famous bridge. The bridge was built by John Wolfe Barry and Henry Brunel from 1886-94 based on a design by Horace Jones, City of London Architect. Sir William Arrol supplied the steel for the towers and decks - he was simultaneously providing the steel for the much larger Forth Rail Bridge in Scotland.

For more on the story of John Wolfe Barry and Henry Brunel as civil engineering partners go to the 'Building Passions' website - it is based on the self-published book of the same short title (Full title Brunel, Barry and modern 'Victorian' architecture), which covers them and their famous fathers, Isambard Kingdom Brunel and Sir Charles Barry.The book also has information about John Wolfe Barry's architect brothers, his civil engineer son, and those of his nephews who were civil engineers or architects.

For more on John Wolfe Barry's involvement with BSI (home of the Kitemark) go to the BSI Group's history page. The Engineering Standards Committee was established in 1901 and soon Wolfe Barry became its very active chair. After his death in 1918 the name was changed to the British Standards Institution or BSI as it is currently known. Product, material and process standards are maintained by numerous committees of experts.